Error Nuker Review

Clean Computer Registry

Tired of the dreaded blue screen and windows errors? Then try running a registry cleaner like Error Nuker. Registry cleaners will search the Windows registry for unnecessary registry keys and clean and fix registry errors. This will leave your registry smaller, less cluttered, and with fewer registry keys pointing to missing files. In the end, running registry cleaner software will speed up your computer’s performance and leave it running nearly brand new again.

In the end, registry clean up is an important maintenance activity you must do to extend the life of your computer.

Error Nuker
Error Nuker is a top registry cleaner. See where we rank Error Nuker in our registry cleaner review. ( It did not make our top 5 chart )

Error Nuker

  • Automatic scan and cleanup
  • Manual scan and cleanup
  • Backup and undo
  • Scheduler

Error Nuker has a nice interface and is a very easy to use registry cleaner. The screenshots below give you an idea of how easy Error Nuker is to use.

You will need the registered version of Error Nuker for these features.

As you can see, you have choices on which sections of the registry you would like Error Nuker to include in its scan.

Under the options feature, you may choose to run Error Nuker automatically when Windows starts or on a schedule. You may also download Error Nuker updates from within the software’s screen.

You can download the free trial of Error Nuker Here

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